Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dreamweaver MX Ultradev Exploration (Foreword)

Dreamweaver MX for Ultradev (Foreword)

Today get the Dreamweaver MX, this is my third hand MX product of the (previously Flash MX, ColdFusion MX), MX-year this year can really ah! Since over the years, Macromedia MX's good news on one after another, we wait, right away, the fourth of the (Fireworks MX). I am really a bit for the Macromedia worry: after the next version of these products what the name, and Oh. BS, dry get right to it.

The MX is now available not only in the background areas Asp, Jsp, Coldfusion and also and Php Coldfusion MX, you can choose the room be large, happy now!鏀寔鏈?柊鐨凜oldfusion MX tag锛岃皟璇旵oldfusion MX浠g爜, 瀹屽叏鏀寔 Datasets,DataGrid,Datalist.

銆??鍚姩MX (浠ュ悗鍦ㄦ枃绔犱腑閮藉彨MX浜嗭紝Dreamwerver涓嶅姞浜嗭紝鎵撳瓧楹荤儲)锛屽惎鍔ㄧ晫闈㈠拰Flash MX鎰熻宸殑锛岀殑纭垜鎯冲埆鐨凪X浜у搧鍙兘閮芥槸杩欐牱鐨勫惂锛佽繘鍏ョ晫闈互鍚庡竷灞?拰Flash MX寰堣薄锛岄潰鏉块鑹插拰浣嶇疆閮芥槸宸笉澶氱殑锛岃繖鏂归潰鐨勭粺涓?娇寰楀箍澶х殑浣跨敤鐫?洿鍔犲鏄撲笂鎵嬩簡銆傛垜浠湪杩欓噷涓昏璁ㄨApplication闈㈡澘(鍥犱负鍜孉sp鏈夊叧鐨勪笢瑗块兘鍦ㄨ繖閲屼簡)锛屽叾浠栭潰鏉挎垜浠氨涓嶅湪姝ゆ帰璁ㄤ簡锛岄偅鏄?铏庣殑浜嬫儏锛屽鏋滄槸鏂版墜锛屾垜鍙兘鍦ㄦ鍚戜綘璇存姳姝変簡銆?br />
銆??鍛婅瘔澶у涓ソ娑堟伅锛屾垜鍙戠幇MX涓殑鍚庡彴閮ㄥ垎鍜屼互鍓嶇殑UD濂借薄鍖哄埆涓嶅ぇ銆備粬鐨勫姛鑳芥爣绛惧叏鍖呭惈鍦ˋpplication闈㈡澘涓?濡傚浘qy-1)锛屽崟鍑籄pplication锛岀湅鍒版病锛屼互鍓嶅湪UD涓粡甯哥湅鍒扮殑涓滆タ鍏ㄩ儴鍦ㄨ繖閲屽嚭鐜颁簡銆?br />


銆??灞曞紑Application闈㈡澘锛岋紙濡傚浘qy-2锛?br />銆??Database锛氬畾涔夋暟鎹簱杩炴帴
銆??Bindings锛氳繘琛屾暟鎹粦瀹?br />銆??Server behaviors锛氳涓猴紙鍔熻兘鏈?锛屾渶寮哄ぇ鐨勫湴鏂癸級
銆??Components锛氬湪Asp涓紝杩欎釜闈㈡澘鏄敤涓嶇潃鐨?br />銆??鎴戞兂杩欎簺涓滆タ澶у涓?湅灏卞緢浜插垏鍚с?閫夋嫨Database鏍囩锛岀湅鍒版病锛岃繕鏈夊府鍔╀簡锛屽憡璇変綘浣跨敤姝ラ锛屽浜庢柊鎵嬫潵璇达紝鍙互杈瑰仛杈瑰銆備笉閿欙紝闈炲父涓嶉敊銆?br />


銆??杩樻湁涓?釜寰堥噸瑕佺殑鍦版柟灏辨槸宸ュ叿鏍忎簡锛屼笢瑗垮緢澶氾紝涓嶈繃鎴戜滑涓昏鏄鍚庡彴锛屽拰鎴戜滑鏈夊叧鐨勪富瑕佹槸ASP鏍囩鍜孉pplication鏍囩锛堝鍥緌y-3锛?br />




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Saturday, July 10, 2010

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Monday, July 5, 2010

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